June 24, 2020
An updates on the Lawrence District planning for September 2020 can be found on this link https://www.smore.com/yc4rx
June 22, 2020
Take a look at the LHS Virtual Photo Show and Class of 2020 Parade
June 16, 2020
Lawrence High School Family thanks the following retirees for all their hard
work and dedication to our school community
Eskin - LHS Art Teacher
June 15, 2020
Governor Cuomo announced last week that outdoor, socially-distant
graduation ceremonies of up to 150 people are allowed starting June 26th.
As a result, Lawrence High School's...
June 12, 2020
On May 15th in remote learning, The Art Department at LHS had a special Visiting Artist Presentation by Alum, V...
June 4, 2020
Joe Famularo, Superintendent of Bellmore made this song and video. He drove around to every HS on Long Island. Look for our school!
The s...
June 1, 2020
<iframe width="100%" height="600" src="https://www.smore.com/fmd8u-lawrence-school-district?embed=1" title="Lawrence School District" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" allowtrans...
May 28, 2020
Below is the rubric to be used to grade students for the 4th Quarter. Please note that there is an emphasis on participation in Live instruction sessions. A key component in sat...
May 28, 2020
With the year quickly coming to end, we are sharing some upcoming events & important dates for our students. The calendar below contains information on events happening in June. P...
May 1, 2020
The Lawrence graduating class of 2020 want to thank their teachers and staff.
April 30, 2020
Dear Lawrence Families,
Please see details about Food Resources that are available during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
D etails can be found in the link below, accessi...
April 23, 2020
The Lawrence Support Staff (Psychologists, School Counselors, Social Workers, and our interns) have made a video of Self-Care Strategies to use while we are all Coping with Covid...
April 9, 2020
Lawrence is proud of the work ethic of our students and their desire to reach for academic success. In this unprecedented time of crisis, the New York State Education Department ha...
April 6, 2020
Please click on the link below for a Parents Guide to Google Classroom in English.
Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para obtener una Guía para padres de Googl...
April 1, 2020
Take a look at a video from the Lawrence Dance Department!
March 26, 2020
Dear Lawrence Families,
Given the current emergency health crisis, Lawrence understands the importance of continuity of instruction.
Posted HERE you will find the schedule...
March 25, 2020
Hi All,
Please see the below college update from your dedicated team of guidance counselors. Feel free to reach out to them with any questions or concerns you have during this ...
March 20, 2020
As we prepare to begin offering distance learning, we ask that each student log into their lawrence.org e-mails and activate their distance learning accounts .
March 20, 2020
The links below will provide Distance Learning resources for you and your students. These links can also be found using the "Distance Learning" drop down menu on all school websit...