
  Lawrence High School

 Announcements for Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Day 1


Athletics-Advisor-Mr. Gordon

Please join us for the 3rd Annual Community Basketball Game – Lawrence HS vs Officers of the 4th Precinct, Wednesday, 5/22/2019, 7:00 pm in the LHS Gym.

If you are a student interested in playing for the student’s team, please sign up in the Athletics office. Otherwise join us for fun, food and raffles.


Artistic Symphony

The Artistic Symphony will take place period 5 today.  It is a multi-media event showcasing student’s artwork and a live music and light show in the auditorium.  Any classes attending must arrive within the first 4 minutes at the start of period 5.  Doors will close.  Please come to this special show of student talent.


Blood Drive – Advisor – Mr. Mayo

Attention Lawrence High School, The Blood Drive is coming!! Thursday, May 30th, Period 1 through 8 in the gym.  You must have your student ID with you to donate.  16 year olds must have a signed permission slip from your parents on or before May 29th. You can get a permission slip from Mr. Mayo in room 231.  Help save lives! Donate Blood.  Each donation saves four lives!!


Certified Nursing Assistant Program for September 2019

This announcement is for current 10th graders

If you have an interest in pursuing a career in healthcare, Lawrence Public Schools has a Certified Nursing Assistant Program.  In this 2 year program, students will learn about the human body and how to care for patients with various medical conditions.  Students learn basic nursing care as well as specialized care.  After 2 year, students will have the knowledge and skills necessary to take the New York State Certified Nursing Assistant exam.

If you have an interest in this program, please sign up in the Guidance Office.


Guidance News!

Attention Juniors!

Please remember to register for the SAT or ACT.  See your school counselor for any questions related to the college admissions tests.


Junior Trip-Advisor-Ms. Kind

Did you hand in your money and permission slip to Ms. Kind?

You didn’t?  Well what are you waiting for?  Don’t you know that you only have a few days left?  Junior trip money has a hard due date of May 24th!


There are still some seats available and you know all your friends are going!!!!

Only $75.00, for memories that will last you a lifetime.


Come have an awesome time at Dorney Park!!!

It’s your last time to hang out with your Junior friends, because a few weeks’ll be SENIORS!!!


Senior News!

Seniors, If you still haven ordered your cap and gown and are planning on attending graduation, you must see Mrs. Laino in the Guidance Office.  The Herff Jones rep will not be coming back.  The cost is $34.00.  Only money orders will be accepted. We will not be accepting cash or personal checks


Senior Banquet

Class of 2019, the event you have been waiting for!  Senior Banquet will take place on Tuesday, June 4th, 2019, 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm. The Banquet will take place at Sun and Surf,

Silver Point County Park, There will be dinner, dancing and a DJ all for the price of $40.00.

Pay with cash or money order only payable to “Lawrence High School”. No personal checks will be accepted.  Payment must be received in the main office no later than Friday, May 29th..


Senior Class Prom 2019

The Senior Class Prom will take place on June 19th, at Bridgeview Yacht Club, 80 Waterfront Blvd. (Island Park)

The cost will be $125.00 for a single and $250.00 for a couple.  Cash or money order only.

Tickets are on sale now until June 14th in room 121.  Please see Ms. Bayeva.



Student Government –Advisor - Mr. Walker

Want to Change the World?

Run the School?

Sign up to Run for School or class office next year!

Where:  Room 329

When:               Monday, May 22nd – 2:45 pm

Who:      9th – 11th graders

If you cannot attend, see Mr. Walker asap!