
Lawrence High School
 Announcements for Monday,  October 18, 2021
Day 3

Dance Honor Society-Advisor – Ms. Sales
DO you like to Dance?
Do you like to be creative?
Are you a member of the Lawrence Dance Department?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then YOU may have found your GROUP as a member of the LAWRENCE DANCE HONOR SOCIETY
PLEASE JOIN US THIS TUESDAY at 2:35 pm in the Lawrence High school DANCE studio. WE look forward to seeing you.
Guidance News – Advisors – Mr Diamond and Ms. Paz
Attention Seniors who are interested in applying to SUNY Buffalo! Please stop by the Guidance Office or use the Google Form that was emailed to all Seniors in order to sign up to participate in a virtual information session. This meeting will take place at 11:15, on October 22nd, in Room 101. You must RSVP no later than October 2oth. You can only attend if you have signed up in advance.
Hebrew Culture Club – Advisor – Ms. Ganes
Shalom Chaverim! 
Hebrew Culture Club is having our first meeting for new and returning members in Art Room 132 on Wednesday, October 20th at 2:45.

Come join us as we explore Jewish Culture through food, art, history, customs and traditions ... L'hitroaot!

Homecoming-Advisors- Ms. Bayeva and Mr. Walker
Starting today the SGA and Senior Class will be hosting long-awaited and always stupendous Spirit Week starting this
With Pep-rally, the Royal court announcement on Friday to celebrate all of our athletes, clubs performances, marching band, cheerleading squad, and of course, our amazing football team!!! 
The themed schedule attached, looking forward to seeing you all dressed up! The pictures will be used in the yearbook.
Today is Pajama day 
Tomorrow is Twin Tuesday  
Wednesday is Pink out Wednesday 
Thursday is Throw Back Thursday 
Friday is Blue and Gold Friday 

Cannot wait to see you be a part of this extravaganza!

Latin American Club – Advisor Mr. Avalos
Do you have any old and/or broken dolls you're looking to get rid of? Well, Latin American club is happy to take them off your hands! If you or anyone you know would like to donate or loan dolls to the Latin American Club, please stop by Room 222 or see Karla Hernandez.
Math Club – Advisor – Ms. McComsey
Math Club will have a meeting Friday, October 22nd after school in room 243. All are welcome!
Math Mentors
Math Mentors starts today, Monday October 18th in room 243 and will run every Monday and Wednesday.

Multi-Culture Club – Advisor – Ms. Confino
Please join the Multi- Culture Club Mondays, starting today in room 308 at 245. We will have elections for officers and discuss fundraising. All are welcome!

Stage Crew – Advisor – Mr. Verone
There will be a Stage Crew meeting today. All may attend.

Varsity Basketball – Mr. Kornblum
Interested in playing basketball this year? The girls basketball coaches will be holding meetings on the following dates:

Varsity and Junior Varsity Girls Basketball today at 2:45 pm sharp in room 203 cafeteria.